
# Parametre 1 : environnement sur lequel seront chargees les donnees
# Parametre 2 : nom du fichier utilise pour l'initialisation du refentiel ou "integration" pour le mode normal (apres une initialisation.
# exemple de nom de fichier : LPZ_SAPM3_210510_1.zip (le fichier doit se trouver dans le repertoire : ftp.faiveley.com/LpzXM3/input)
echo "Environnement : "${1}
echo "Mode d'execution : "${2}
echo ""
# Sauvegarde des fichiers avant traitement
dt_dir=`date +"%Y_%m_%d_%H%M%S"`
cd /data/talend/repository/${1}
mkdir $dir_save
cp *.* $dir_save
sleep 5
sh /data/talend/jobs/LPZ_SAP_M3_INTEGRATION_1.2/LPZ_SAP_M3_INTEGRATION/LPZ_SAP_M3_INTEGRATION_run.sh ${1} ${2}
echo "Valeur err_sh : "$err_sh
echo ""
dt_fin=`date +"%A %d/%m/%Y - %H:%M:%S"`
echo $dt_fin
echo ""
if [ $err_sh -eq 0 ] ; then
${ABM_BIN}/tmail -c ${ABM_BIN}/tmail.ini -to ${3} -sub "DCC : Integration SAP - M3 env: ${1} - OK" -msg "
----------------------------- VTOM MESSAGE OK ---------------------------------------
The scheduler Vtom has successfully completed the process of Talend integration of SAP-LPZ data in M3 (${1}).
Please verify log file you received from Talend for any functional failure.
Best Regards.
------------------------------ END OF VTOM MESSAGE -----------------------------------------" -att $TOM_LOG.o\;$TOM_LOG.e
${ABM_BIN}/tmail -c ${ABM_BIN}/tmail.ini -to ${3} -cc ${4} -sub "ERROR - Integration SAP - M3 env: ${1} - ERROR" -msg "
******************* VTOM MESSAGE ERROR ***********************
The scheduler Vtom has completed with error the process of Talend integration of SAP-LPZ data in M3 (${1}).
Please verify log file you received from Talend for any functional failure.
Best Regards.
******************* END OF VTOM MESSAGE ERROR***********************" -att $TOM_LOG.o\;$TOM_LOG.e
exit $err_sh

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